Hygienic project

OVC Rwanda’s urgent project in this lockdown  period

The work of the OVC Rwanda could not be done without the precious help of our generous donors.

If our projects have affected you, you too can take part in them, and become actors in our fight for the improvement of the living conditions of the children of Rwanda:

-Ensure basic education and literacy for supervised children

-Learning trades and creating related infrastructure

-Development of sports and cultural exchanges.

-Support for income generating activities

Your donations, sponsorship offers, and other supports will allow one or more children to secure a future. In this very complicated situation of the invisible enemy (corona virus).Here are the needs of hygienic materials, masks, disinfectants, etc.

– Masks: 44 boxes x 45 Euro = 1980 Euro

-Disinfectants: 45 boxes x 120 Euro = 5400 Euro

Here is the account number and bank information to send your support:

OVC Rwanda

Project account number: 040-0299430-24 / Euro

Bank of Kigali (BK)

Plot no 6112, Avenue de la Paix

P.O.Box : 175 Kigali, Rwanda

Swift code: BKIGRWRW

Cell : +250 788 143 000

Email: bk@bk.rw

Kigali, Rwanda

Who saves a child, save the world!

Our sincere thanks and best regards!

OVC Rwanda Coordination

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